book barcodes
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Helpful Tips - Barcodes

There are three numbers you may want to include on your cover in a scannable, barcode format:

  1. ISBN - International Standard Book Number
  2. Book Price
  3. UPC - Uniform Product Code

The ISBN is a universally recognized, 13-digit identification number, comprised of five parts. The first part is a ?78?prefix. The second part identifies the national or geographic grouping of publishers. The third part identifies the publisher. The fourth part identifies the particular title or edition of a title. And the fifth party is called the �check digit,?which is a single digit number that validates the ISBN.

Administered in the U.S. by R.R. Bowker, ISBN�s are issued in blocks of 10. While publishers are not required to obtain ISBN�s, distributors and most book stores will not accept a book without one.

ISBN Application Process.

See ISBN Tip.

You may also request an �add on?or �extension?so that the price of your book will appear in scannable barcode format just beside the ISBN.

UPC: Books that sell in mass quantities benefit from a Universal Product Code. Some bookstores require or strongly urge that you place a UPC bar code on a book�s cover. For more information, see UPC.

Barcodes most often appear on the bottom right hand corner of the back cover. Once you apply for an ISBN or UPC and provide these numbers to us, we are able to digitally generate the scannable barcode and place it on your cover for a minimal fee. We also accept bar codes on film, positive prints, or digital files.