Whitehall Printing of Naples Florida
Tel: 1-800-321-9290

We offer better quality at lower prices than on-demand or copy shops.


Helpful Tips - Proofs

Prior to printing your book, we will provide you with a set of proofs for your approval. The press operator refers to approved proofs while printing the final product.

Here’s what you should look for when reviewing proofs:

  1. Is the page order correct?
  2. Are final trims correct?
  3. Are the margins correct?
  4. Is anything (type, photo, bleed tab) missing?
  5. Are the pages straight?
  6. Are there any marks or spots that should be removed?
  7. Where a digital file was submitted, do the fonts appear correct?

Once you review the proofs, return them along with your approval or instructions for changes. The faster you return proofs, the quicker we can get started producing your book. Usually, one or two changes will not affect your turnaround. Alterations at the proofing stage will cost you money. See our Proofreading Tip for the best way to avoid additional cost and time at the proofing stage.

The cover will be sent flat see layout below.

Cover Layout