Whitehall Printing of Naples Florida
Tel: 1-800-321-9290

We serve home schooling publishers, religious figures, professors and more!


Scanner-Ready Copy

This non-digital option allows you to provide copy on plain white paper, which we scan with high quality scanners.

Follow these guidelines when using a printing to hard copy to submit as scanner-ready copy:

1. Output copy on a laser printer. (if your outputting from a digital file call us and we can help you convert to a high quality pdf) Dot matrix or ink jet printers produce fuzzy or jagged letters, decreasing sharpness.

2. Use high quality, non-glossy laser-printer paper. Check your printer manual for the manufacturer�s recommendation.

3. Be sure the toner is full. Low toner causes faint type or uneven coverage.

4. Choose the appropriate dots per inch (dpi). The resolution (or sharpness) of text is expressed as �dots per inch.� Most laser printers output at 300 dpi, others offer higher resolutions. The higher the dpi, the better the quality. When choosing a printer and settings its properties, note:

  • 300 dpi: type may appear jagged
  • 600 dpi: commercially acceptable results
  • 800-1200 dpi: very good quality

5. Convert graphics to lines per inch (lpi). To professionally print shades of gray in photos and other graphics, you must convert them to halftone dots. LPI measures how many lines of dots there are per inch. When setting lpi values for your chosen text dpi note:

  • 300 dpi: not acceptable for graphics
  • 600 dpi: set graphics at up to 65 lpi
  • 800-1200 dpi: set graphics at up to 85 lpi

6. Disable dithering or enhancement options if you can. Although these options enhance laser copies, they are detrimental to professional printing.

7. Insert blank pages where they will appear. Label them �blank,� with non-reproducing blue pencil.

8. Indicate your desired margins. Print crop marks, if room is available, outside of the trim. Margins must be no less than � inch from the edge of the page.

9. Extend bleeds � inch beyond the trim. Printing that extends to the edge of the page after trimming is called a �bleed.� To ensure ink coverage to the bleed edge, we need � inch of paper to trim away after printing.

Click Here for Scanner Ready Submissions.pdf

"...your turnaround is the fastest I could find anywhere."
- Whitehall Customer

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