Digital Submissions
Tel: 1-800-321-9290 Fax: 239-643-6439

The key to customer satisfaction? Ample communication at every step.


Helpful Tips - Digital Submissions

When you submit your project to us in the form of electronic files, we request that you accompany your text and cover files with the following elements:

Fonts: A font is a set of characters in a particular typeface. Please submit a font file for each font that you used in your project, including those found in graphics. Customers using Adobe Type 1 Fonts should send both screen and printer fonts for each typeface that they used.  See Font Tips.

Remember to include a separate font file for every style (bold, italic, etc.) of font used. As an example, to bold a Times New Roman font, choose the “Times New Roman Bold” font, rather than the “bold” attribute from a toolbar. Stylized fonts may default to the plain font, disregarding the style attribute.

Linked Graphics: Include all linked graphics in your submission. Save scans/halftones at 300 dpi, and line art at 1200 dpi. See Scanning Tips. Cover graphics should be saved in either CMYK or spot color, as a TIFF or EPS file. See Color Printing Tips.

Dummy of your final version: Our prepress specialists will use this dummy to make sure all fonts and graphics appear as they should and that the text flows correctly.

Digital Submissions Form: This checklist, which you may download here, is designed to remind you of all the required elements. We also ask that you submit the completed form along with your materials, because it will help us efficiently assess your needs.

And remember… As you prepare your materials for submission, be sure to call your customer service representative should you have any questions whatsoever. We are here to help!

We currently offer the following electronic capabilities:


  • Macintosh
  • IBM-compatible PC

Applications and Other Formats

(earlier versions also acceptable)

For Text

  • Quark 9
  • PageMaker 7.0
  • PDF—Acrobat Distiller
  • InDesign CS6
  • Converting Word to Pdf instructions
  • Postscript Files from Windows applications (including Word)
  • Postscript files from Macintosh applications

For Covers

  • Quark 9
  • PageMaker 7.0
  • Freehand MX
  • Illustrator CS6
  • Photoshop CS6
  • Corel Draw X3
  • InDesign CS6
  • PDF (call Customer Service for assistance)


  • USB thumb drives
  • DVD / DVD +/-R / RW


For best results, follow these suggestions.


Extend bleeds ¼” beyond the trim. Include all linked graphics in either CMYK or spot color, and save them as TIFF or EPS files. Save scans/halftones at 300 dpi. Save line art at 1200 dpi.

Text Pages

Include all linked graphics, as well as any fonts used within those graphics. Margin must be no less than 1/4 inch. Save scans/halftones at 300 dpi. Save line art at 1200 dpi.