Fonts used in Book Printing
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Helpful Tips - Fonts

A font is a set of characters in a particular typeface. Examples include Times New Roman, Arial, and Courier.

Fonts are sold by different manufacturers. Adobe� Type 1 Fonts are currently the most reliable for professional printing. They consist of Screen Fonts, used to represent type on screen; and Printer Fonts, used to represent type off a laser printer or imagesetter.

TrueType Fonts, adopted by Microsoft, contain both screen and printer data in one file, sometimes causing unexpected problems during imaging. When used for commercial printing, their results are less reliable.

For a relatively small investment (as low as $50), you can purchase Adobe� Type 1 Fonts for use on either a Macintosh or IBM compatible PC. To achieve a far superior looking book, with reliable results, we strongly recommend that you do just that. For additional information on Adobe Type 1 Fonts, visit their website at www.adobe.com/type.

Customers using Adobe� Type 1 Fonts must send us both screen and printer fonts for each typeface that they use, including those found in graphics. Missing fonts often cause imaging problems, such as the reflow of pages.

Remember to include a separate font for every style (bold, italic, etc.) of font used. (Example: to bold a Times New Roman font, choose the �Times New Roman Bold� font, rather than the �bold� attribute from a toolbar). Stylized fonts may default to the normal font, disregarding the style attribute.