Furnished Film
Tel: 1-800-321-9290 Fax: 239-643-6439

Training manuals, reference books, seminar materials...we print them all.


Furnished Film

We can produce books from customer-furnished film.

If you have printed your book at another printer and wish to transfer your film to us for manufacturing, we are happy to help any way we can to ensure that your materials will work on our systems.

Sometimes, the film made at another facility was created at different specifications than the ones we generally use. However, even when our specifications are not precisely met, in most cases, we can find a way to produce your book to your satisfaction.

To that end, we will ask that you provide us not only with the film, but also with any digital files and/or scanner ready copy that was used to create that film�if those materials are available. Any necessary restripping of film is done at no additional cost to you.

Give us a call when you are ready to transfer film to us so that we can fully understand your particular project and plan the best methods for manufacturing your books.

"...your turnaround is the fastest I could find anywhere."
- Whitehall Customer

Adobe Authorized Service Provider
GBC Lay Flat Qualified Converter